Print Ready
Print Sample Range

Title Design
Finished Thermochromic Wallpaper

Test Prints for Book Inserts
Collection Developments & Sample Book Layout
Pellafort Press - Thermochromic Wallpaper Printing
Screen Size to Scale
Design Progression - Rethinking Colour and Form

Printing Plans at Pellafort Press

The aim is to screen print half a roll of wallpaper in order to provide enough for a panel as wide as 2 strips (approx 2 x 540mm) and reaches floor to ceiling (measurements to be confirmed), to simulate it in its intended state, with the sample book providing reference.
Simulation of Interactivity
Printing with Interactive Inks - Custhom Mixed Media Design
Proposed Wallpaper Design - Layered

Layers of Print - Work in Progress
Thermochromic Wallpaper Grid Development
Thermochromic Inks Ordered

Grid construction
Final Design Outcomes
The Outcomes
A collection of 6 interactive surface prints, realised in the form of graphic wallpaper, that reveal extended narrative and play with the original narrative, illustrating the fluidity of Urban Tribalism in postsubcultural society, with contrast to the fixed subcultural theory of past years.
One fully printed graphic wallpaper for installation that represents the collection.
A sample book that presents each design beautifully, with variable editions in context, featuring photography in situ, foreword and accompanying written commentary.
Production Notes
Design of each surface print (each combining 3 layers of illustration) is underway, the first design is near completion, and two more are under construction.
A further three designs have been planned and researched, and will soon be ready for illustration.
The wallpaper will either be screen printed out of house, with the possibility of further overlaid printing by hand, or ideally hand silk screen printed for best possible quality (this depends on time restraints and design developments and considerations).
The sample book will be printed out of house, and then additional scale screen printed samples will be added according to time restraints and design requirements.
Potential problems cropping up so far are largely to do with the interactive ink i want to use to overlay the wallpaper print. It is becoming very hard to track down, and places able to print it are far and few between. As a result, this may have to be revised if it cannot be resolved in the near future as production begins in approx 2 weeks.